Explanation. Start.
**FIRST PART** the site contains the latest edition of the genealogy of the Netskevich family, written by Vsevolod Sergeevich Gerasimenko in Ukrainian based on archival research he conducted between 2000 and 2015.
A significant portion of the text is devoted to digressions concerning important general historical issues related to the genealogy of the studied family. Such pages are marked with numbers and letter "i", unlike the texts directly describing the Netskevich family, which are marked only with numbers.
Immediately following this "Explanation," the "Table of Contents" is provided, followed by the "Alphabetical Name Index" of all surnames mentioned in the genealogy. This allows visitors to check from the very beginning whether the site includes surnames of interest to them.
Next, a list of all 426 materials ("Literature and Sources") researched by Vsevolod Sergeevich Gerasimenko and preserved in archives over the past 600+ years is provided.
After this, the "Introduction" to the genealogy is presented, followed by all other texts by Gerasimenko in accordance with the Table of Contents.
**IN THE SECOND PART** of this site, other materials related to the genealogy of the Netskevich family (in various spellings of the surname), as well as families mentioned in the "Alphabetical Name Index," will gradually be published over time.
Materials on the site are presented in two formats: **POSTS** and **PAGES**.
From a **POST**, you can navigate to the corresponding **PAGE**, as well as move between **PAGES** and **POSTS**.
The difference between a **POST** and a **PAGE** is that the former contains only text, while the latter additionally includes family tree diagrams, photographs, documents, etc.
At the top left, clicking on the arrow will reveal three short lines. Clicking on them will open a menu with the following options:
- **Auto-translator (Translate)** to select the desired language;
- **Tags**, through which you can navigate to any **POST** based on its content.
Given that representatives of the Netskevich family (Nitskevich, Natsevich, Natsovich, Nicewicz, Niecewicz, Nicevic, and other variants of the surname) reside in more than 20 countries worldwide, this **EXPLANATION** is provided on the site in the most widely spoken languages: Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, Polish, Serbian, German, and English.
**Go to Table of Contents**
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